I DID IT!!!!!!!!

Official forum for the EuGame

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Iscritto il: 16 lug 2007, 09:43

I DID IT!!!!!!!!

Messaggio da gfr62 »

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
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Rombo di Tuono
Site Admin
Messaggi: 7141
Iscritto il: 04 lug 2007, 18:07
Località: Seconda stella a DESTRA...

Re: I DID IT!!!!!!!!

Messaggio da Rombo di Tuono »

My best compliments...

:ok: :bravo:

Did you enjoied the final scene??

Amico del forumanicomio
Messaggi: 2452
Iscritto il: 18 lug 2007, 11:18

Re: I DID IT!!!!!!!!

Messaggio da forzaviola »

:applause: :applause: :applause:


GMV I'll be there for you GMV
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Rombo di Tuono
Site Admin
Messaggi: 7141
Iscritto il: 04 lug 2007, 18:07
Località: Seconda stella a DESTRA...

Re: I DID IT!!!!!!!!

Messaggio da Rombo di Tuono »

Btw.... added Hall of fame at the start page of the game...

Messaggi: 16
Iscritto il: 15 feb 2008, 16:23
Località: The Netherlands

Re: I DID IT!!!!!!!!

Messaggio da Adventure »

Wow, Way to go GFR!! Congratulations!! :applause:
Messaggi: 16
Iscritto il: 15 feb 2008, 16:23
Località: The Netherlands

Re: I DID IT!!!!!!!!

Messaggio da Adventure »

I MADE IT TOO!!!!!!!!! :banana:

Special thanks to gfr62, who gave me the necessary nudges to pass 49 and 56. ;)
Cheers! :birra:
Messaggi: 16
Iscritto il: 15 feb 2008, 16:23
Località: The Netherlands

Re: I DID IT!!!!!!!!

Messaggio da Adventure »

Hi Eugy, do you ever plan to upload some new levels? I am ready for it. :boxing:

Btw am I allowed to ask why Shaharc, Jack and I never were added to the hall of fame? Is it because we solved your riddle together and not all completely by ourselves? :upset:

Edit: Oops, I just see we were added, only not to the one at level 58. :tongue: But shaharc isn't in it and he beated it a half day before I did. I guess he never sent an email. :-|
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Rombo di Tuono
Site Admin
Messaggi: 7141
Iscritto il: 04 lug 2007, 18:07
Località: Seconda stella a DESTRA...

Re: I DID IT!!!!!!!!

Messaggio da Rombo di Tuono »

Adventure ha scritto:Hi Eugy, do you ever plan to upload some new levels? I am ready for it. :boxing:

Btw am I allowed to ask why Shaharc, Jack and I never were added to the hall of fame? Is it because we solved your riddle together and not all completely by ourselves? :upset:

Edit: Oops, I just see we were added, only not to the one at level 58. :tongue: But shaharc isn't in it and he beated it a half day before I did. I guess he never sent an email. :-|
I must fix it... I don't remembered I've inserted an Hall of fame in level :D

And... yes, I've received only 3 email, from you, GFR62 and Jack.

For new levels... maybe... a day or another :D
Messaggi: 84
Iscritto il: 21 ago 2008, 09:03

Re: I DID IT!!!!!!!!

Messaggio da pagurosikuro »

c'è un buon traduttore automatico nel web?
Messaggi: 84
Iscritto il: 21 ago 2008, 09:03

Re: I DID IT!!!!!!!!

Messaggio da pagurosikuro »

e da agosto nulla e' cambiato:

Da La Repubblica di oggi:

Operaio ucciso dalle esalazioni
dopo caduta in cisterna di mosto

L'ennesimo incidente sul lavoro questa volta a Minervino Murge nel Barese. La vittima aveva 46 anni. Salvo un suo collega.

Messaggi: 2
Iscritto il: 12 nov 2014, 06:12

Re: I DID IT!!!!!!!!

Messaggio da LinR »

Yeah we made it!! It was quite the challenge but my Darkside friends and I managed to make it through. Linr , Mtatt, Jbg and EPresto. :brindisi: :brindisi: :brindisi: :brindisi:
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Rombo di Tuono
Site Admin
Messaggi: 7141
Iscritto il: 04 lug 2007, 18:07
Località: Seconda stella a DESTRA...

Re: I DID IT!!!!!!!!

Messaggio da Rombo di Tuono »

Congratulations, in hte last level you'll see the instructions to be shown in the HALL OF FAME... follow these instructions ;)